If I had to choose one thing which did better for me in 2008 than anything else, and which was a constant surprise and delight, the prize would have to go to an American sweetcorn called Red Miracle.
I got the seed from my very kind friend Graham in south Wales who shares my love of red vegetables and has a talent for sourcing very rare seeds. It's not a variety you're likely to find in the UK, unfortunately, and there was no guarantee it would even grow properly over here. It was bred by the legendary 'Mushroom' Kapuler in Oregon, USA.
The seeds were translucent ruby red and almost too beautiful to plant. I started them in Rootrainers in the greenhouse and they delighted me by producing pink roots! The Rootrainers have a clear plastic tray so I was able to watch them spreading. Even at the seedling stage the young plants were infused with red which got more and more intense as they grew, some going a dark crimson-black by the time they matured, with a few bright green leaves for contrast. They reached a height of about four feet.

Now you may be thinking "yeah, well it looks very pretty, but what does it taste like?" The flavour was another delightful surprise. I wondered if there might be a trade-off between beauty and flavour. How can something that looks this spectacular taste good as well? Well it does. It has a lovely sweet old-fashioned flavour. And the red cobs are packed with beneficial anthocyanins, so they're healthier than normal corn too. The red fades somewhat with cooking, and turns the cooking water deep red instead! Even the core in the middle is red, so it still looks beautiful even after you've eaten it.

Open pollinated sweetcorn loses its sweetness more rapidly than hybrid corn, so I'm informed. But when you grow it in the garden you can cook it within minutes of picking, so that's not an issue.
Red Miracle lived up to its name and produced the biggest and best sweetcorn crop I've ever had, despite this year's crappy weather. It far exceeded the Swift F1 crop which had been my previous best-ever (in a good season). Some plants produced two full sized cobs even as the grey English skies pelted rain on them for weeks on end.
And now I've got some exciting new sweetcorn to try out next year. Take a look at this beautiful multi-coloured seed I've just received from Alan Bishop in Indiana, USA. It's called Astronomy Domine, and it comes in every colour from red, yellow, white, black, purple, blue, pink and maroon to bicolour stripey and speckled ... even green kernals have been showing up in Alan's crop this year. It's not yet a stable variety, it's an ongoing breeding project which has branched out into a worldwide collaboration.

A couple of years ago Alan started Astronomy Domine off with a mass-cross of over twenty different sweetcorn cultivars, open-pollinated and hybrids all mixed up together. The second year he added more varieties into the mix, including some with variously coloured kernals. Now at the F3 stage, there are around 55 varieties in its genepool. The resulting genetic diversity is massive, and Astronomy Domine is segregating for just about every trait imaginable in sweetcorn. As the project gathers momentum he's sending the seeds out to others to do their own work with. The huge diversity in the seed stock means it should be possible for people all over the world to develop locally adapted new strains from it. And also to cross it with yet more different varieties and send some seed back to Alan, to add to the genepool. It's going to be exciting!
Alan describes himself as "just a farmer/gardener with a messageboard", but he's being modest. He's an independent plant breeder who understands the importance of keeping centuries of knowledge and genetic heritage in the public domain, because the long term future of our food supply relies on biodiversity and on plant breeders working for the common good, not the homogenised patented seed controlled by big corporations. And he's making a significant direct contribution to that cause by sharing his own creations freely with other gardeners and plant breeders and by running a forum which has become an international meeting ground for other like-minded people, sharing knowledge, advice, seeds and friendship around the globe.
Alan also founded the Hip-Gnosis Seed Development Project, "a continuing endeavor to re-introduce old Open Pollinated food and flower crops as well as all new unique cultivars and seed mixes to the gardening public. We continuously select (year round) for new adaptations, unique colors, and higher nutritional content as well as taste and performance in our seed crops. We openly encourage everyone to share these special seeds far and wide."
So there you go. If that sounds interesting I suggest you come over to the Homegrown Goodness forum and join in the fun.

So beautiful :)
Just shows that food can be beautiful as well as tasty. I'm glad that food is once again coming into the hands (and gardens and mouths) of the people and away from the big global corporations. Power to all the elbows involved!
That's stunning! Even more tempted to extend the vegetable garden now!!!!
Lovely colours Rebsie.
As for spuds - my local Waitrose has reduced the price of 1.5kg bags of Highland Burgundy and Belle de Fontenay to 95p and they could do ok for seed potatoes.
I am trying hard to resist adding corn to my garden of delights this year as I'm also trying out popping amaranth, sorghum, etc... but darn it, that is a pretty looking corn and if it did well for you, there's a good possibility that it would do spectacularly well here. I do like the idea of the rainbow sweetcorn as well.
I second homegrown goodness as a great project and forum - important and lots of fun.
Is there any way you might sell some seeds and spread the wealth so to speak? How many ears on a stalk did you get?
Hey Rebsie,
Thanks so much for the compliments and credit. Mr. Kapuler's Martian Double Red (among it's many names), is truly a great accomplishment and among one of the many cultivars that are also mixed in the Astronomy Domine genepool with "Mushrooms" support aa well (I also used two of his others, Rainbow Inca as well as Painted Hills). Be sure to hold on to the Double Red sweet corn as it is very hard to find and other than ocassionaly sending out a few seeds here and there Alan Kapuler has retired from the seed business, the sad thing is Double Red to my knowledge is only available from him and possibly Horizon Herbs even here in the states, it could very well already be on the verge of extinction as I have yet to see Seeds Of Change offer their seed for sale even with an article posted on their site a couple years ago about the grow out and seed increase of this valuable variety.
You may notice that the seeds of Astronomy Domine are not particularly large and plump this year, the reason is thus:
Low fertility trials. I had decided this year to put it through the ringer so to speak and planted all the patches in sub standard soil amended only with un composted cow manure,theorizing that if it could grow in these conditions with very little fertility, sun, and poor drainage that it should do well just about anywhere, we will see what happens with it but I do believe that this would be a good starting point for selecting a strain for growth in the English garden climate as it's still young enough in the Filial chain to provide a number of genetic variables. I will warn however that the harvest is all over the place as the days to maturity of course still have to be sorted out.
I'd also love to buy some of those. My s'corn was all one cob per plant this year....a great disappointment
A fantastic looking crop, but the downside is that it reminds me that there are occasional disadvantages to living in NE Scotland. It's been a long time since I've been able to sink my teeth into a cob of just picked, home-grown corn. I'm almost tempted to move back to warmer climes.
Is all I can say is WOW! I had no idea such a beautiful corn existed...I just love your post!
Thanks all!
Preston - I'd happily give the seed away if I could grow enough of it, but I don't have room to grow it for seed unfortunately. (Sweetcorn is an extreme outbreeder and you need to save seed from at least 100 plants to keep it healthy.) There were one or two ears on each plant ... mostly two.
Alan - oh, is this the same as Martian Double Red? I had no idea. I wish I had the space to take it on and maintain it, but in a garden as small as mine it's not really an option, and I don't have the facilities to isolate it.
Fairly certain that Martian Purple is the same variety. For a couple of years some of Alan Kapulers friends who also ran seed businesses sold the seed under a variety of names, I'm not totally sure if there was ever and "official name" really. Somewhere on the net, and I'll see if I can find it, there is a video detailing some of Dr. Kapulers work, it was just shortly after he made the cross that led to this corn and it was pretty detailed, it might even be stored on the Homegrown Goodness forum somewhere, I'll see what I can dig up.
If you can't maintain seed for the astronomy domine and you find that you like it, just let me know and I'll make sure to save and send you a sample for your garden in coming years, that way you don't have to do without! :) Sweet Corn is just too good not to have yearly!
That ruby colour is stunning! Looks like it should be running with sweet juice like a pomegranate. Wonderful to look at!
What a spectacular corn! You always get amazing pictures, too.
I did a little poking around and learned that, if Bishops Homegrown is correct about Martians Double Red being the same as your Red Miracle, this corn is available from a Canadian company called Ecogenesis. http://www.ecogenesis.ca/
For an old hippie peacenik organic kinship gardener, your article about Red Miracle SC lit up my heart.
I thought of your article while answering the interview questions.
The original v.drk.ppl.seeds came inadvertently from probably True Platinum x any one of 4 Hopi starch corns.
A few dark red-purple crinkle seeds led to Martian Red which from crosses with Ruby Queen gave Double Red.
The Red Miracle you grew was F3.
That the Parsley Pea with no tendrils when crossed to a regular snap vine gave the HT trait was good fortune. We will work to incorporate into bush peas of snow and snap and all colors. The line Snowsweet is a HT bush with green snowpods. With good circumstances, it will be the female parent in crosses to Opal Creek and Sugar Magnolia.
Best to you
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