I had a message today from someone offering me a chance to become a pop star. So that was nice. Possibilities of Top 20 hits and big tours. *cough.* I don't think I'm the person they're looking for, unfortunately. Just as an example, today I went out to post a letter and when I put my coat on it felt a bit heavy on one side. When I looked I found I had a potato in my pocket. That's right, not only am I the kind of girl who has potatoes in her pockets, I don't even have any recollection of how it got there, which is even more worrying.

The weather (as those of you in the UK will know) went from pleasant warmth to ice and then to snow over the course of the week, and made it far too cold to get anything useful done outside, so I've mostly been busy on music stuff instead. But I did nip out in the garden and take a few photographs. The snow pictures were nice, but the hoar frost ones were better, so here's a selection. All taken on Wednesday morning.

Nice. I especially like the image of the chard.
I hope this cold weather doesn't kill anything you'd rather keep!
(I'm always glad for cold weather, because it means fewer fleas, etc, the next summer.....)
-- Vicki in Michigan
I always enjoy looking at your blog - don't know why I don't visit more often. Is it too late for a New Year's resolution?
Good to see you in the Independent today! (Heritage vegetable review well worth doing - thanks.)
All the best, Mike
Hoar frost has to be one of those little miracles we often ignore! Isn't it just the most beautiful thing?
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