Monday, 31 March 2008

Some excitement

This is one of the rare occasions when I blog about something other than gardening, because one of my tracks got played on Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone on BBC 6 Music yesterday, and I'm very excited. It may not mean much to you if you're outside the UK, but Stuart Maconie is a very well known presenter and it's a big achievement for a small independent artist like me to get onto his show. I've been played on regional BBC radio before but this is my first time on a major national station.

What made it even better was that the Freak Zone is one of the few radio shows I listen to, so I actually heard it come on. I had a few confused moments of "hang on, I know that song ..." and then I had to stick my head against the radio to convince myself that really was where the sound was coming from.

The track he played was from a new batch of songs which I've been working on with a collaborator, Dick Langford, who plays guitar for me, writes with me and does complicated arrangements and production way beyond my capabilities. On the surface of it we're a bit of an unlikely pairing, given that I've built my credentials as an ethereal English folksinger and he's a rock god. But somehow we really inspire each other and the songs have been flowing. Including some weird and wonderful hybrids from our cross-pollinated musical backgrounds. We've done everything from ukulele-driven cockney comedy numbers to full-on psychedelic freakouts. It's a wonderful experience to have the opportunities to explore all this different music.


  1. How exciting! I was listening to a lot of your music on MySpace a few days ago, and loved it all.
    I actually came by here to see if you pinch out your peas to make them branch out, like one does with sweetpeas. Haven't gone and looked to see yet, saw this post of yours and commented right away.

  2. WELL DONE ... Soooo exciting


  3. Rebsie,

    That's great news. Tell us : do you sing to your seedlings?!

  4. Congratulations! Good for you :-)

    PS: the beans you sent are doing well

  5. Congratulations on stuart macconie! I haven't been on here for a while but that's really good news. May it be the first of many plays.

  6. تتميز القاهرة إلى جانب احتوائها دليل المولات على أجمل الأسواق التي اشهر مولات السعودية تعتبر مقصدا مهما للسياح اشهر أسواق السعودية تمتلك القاهرة مجموعة ضمة من المولات التجارية اشهر مولات الامارات ومراكز التسوق التي تجعل من اشهر أسواق الامارت رحلة السياحة في القاهرة فرصة لا تعوض .
