Monday, 23 July 2007

And it gets worse ...

Ahem ... well we seem to have something of a national emergency going on around here. There's no floods to worry about in our part of town but the devastation in neighbouring areas is terrible. Our water supply has stopped and we're likely to be without it for quite a while (peeing in the compost and washing in the rainwater butt, I guess). Power and internet access are still on for the moment, so we're very fortunate. There are people only a few miles away who are being evacuated because their homes have been wrecked.

If you've seen pictures on the UK national news of the army trying to build an emergency dam around an electricity substation ... well, that's ours. If that goes I'll be going quiet for a bit.


  1. I've been watching the news from here in Canada. It must be really devastating. Best wishes to you.

  2. I'm really sorry mother nature is being so unkind at the moment. I hope that substation stays dry! I'm glad you and your home are safe from the floods.

  3. Fingers crossed for you ... the water's due in our part of the Thames tonight and tomorrow, but we're high above the river, so not personally affected. But it's very strange to find my locality the focus of the national news day after day.

    Just found your blog via Celia - SO good to have good information about heritage varieties


  4. Our hearts are with you and your garden. I wish we could find a way to help. Keep us informed as best you can. Love

  5. Thanks so much for the lovely comments, everyone.

    Joanna, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your part of the country escapes a dousing.
